How do you prioritize your features and stories?
Agile teams want to deliver maximum business value. That’s easy if the Onsite Customer assigns business value to each story. But how does the Customer do that? How can you estimate business value?
How do you decide between stories? How do you decide between projects? How do you decide between clients?
This game gives you some simple business value estimation techniques that are “good enough” for everyday use.
Teams of ‘businesspeople’ have to make plans for their development team. The goal of the game is to earn as much money as possible. This game is a complement to the XP Game: how do these ‘business value points” on the XP Game story cards get chosen?
We provide the clients and their wishes. We suggest the techniques to estimate business value.
The rest is up to you.
Want to play the game?
NEW: version 2.0
- Download the game instructions and materials in English (approx 3 Mb)
- Download the game instructions and materials in French (approx 3 Mb)
- New: Download the game instructions and materials in Spanish (approx 4 Mb)
Changes from previous version:
- More Requests
- Clarified score sheet
- More process improvement options
- Pictures for accountant and development team
Thank you to:
- Portia Tung for help in designing and testing the game
- Laurent Morisseau for help with the French translation
- Juan Gutiérrez Plaza for translating the game into Spanish. Thanks to Leo Antolí and Thomas Wallet for reviewing this translation
Download the game instructions and materials (approx 3.5 Mb)

Client pictures made with “South Park Studio” by Janina Köppel